Aéroport Marseille Provence

Legal Notice


Aéroport Marseille Provence
A Limited Liability Company with a Management Board and a Supervisory Board and capital of 148,000 euros.
Registered in the Trade and Company Register of Aix-en-Provence under number 790 043 954.
Head office: Aéroport Marseille Provence - BP7 – 13727 Marignane Cedex - France.

Hereafter referred to as: "AMP"

Executive Editor:

M Julien COFFINIER, Executive President of Marseille Provence Airport

Managing Editor: AMP's Communication and Promotion Unit.

Intellectual Property and Copyright

The website www.marseille.aeroport.fr (hereafter referred to as "the Website") and its content are the exclusive property of AMP, to the exclusion of components provided by Partners which remain the sole responsibility of the latter.
Any reproduction or representation in full or in part of the Website or of any one of its components is prohibited without prior consent. Similarly, the brands and domain names that appear on the Website are the exclusive property of AMP or of the Partner in question. Any reproduction or use of said marks and domain names in any way and for any reason whatsoever is prohibited without prior consent.
Reproducing or representing any component whatsoever, in full or in part, without prior consent, can constitute an infringement of copyright and unfair competition and may invoke the civil and/or criminal liability of the perpetrator. AMP reserves the right to launch legal proceedings against said perpetrator.



AMP gives no explicit or tacit guarantees for the content of the Website. Consequently, any information or other data featured on the Website - with the exception of the contents of the Terms and Conditions of Sale of e-services provided by AMP - is provided for information purposes only and may be modified and/or updated without prior notice.
Providing information may not, in any way whatsoever, be interpreted as providing specific advice or help in decision making before carrying out a transaction or taking an investment decision.
Similarly, AMP may not be held liable for the information, content, products or services offered by Partners either mentioned on the Website or to which the user may be redirected, or advertising content provided by advertisers. On this account, AMP cannot be held responsible for the availability or the compliance of flights, trips or tourism packages offered by its Partners on the sites to which the user is redirected.
Consequently, the user acknowledges using the information and other data available on the Website at his or her own risk. On no account may AMP be held liable for any direct or indirect damages of any nature whatsoever stemming from the use of the Website or the use of services provided by its Partners.
If, despite our vigilance, you spot a mistake on this Website, please do not hesitate to point it out to us in writing on the page entitled: Contacts

Website listing

A hypertext link to the Website may only be set up with prior written authorisation from AMP. Furthermore, AMP declines all responsibility relating to the content of sites that may be linked to the Website by a hypertext link.

Personal Data Protection Policy -GDPR

The purpose of this Personal Data Protection Policy is to inform you about how your personal data is processed on the sites:

(Hereafter "the AMP Sites"), within the framework of the application of the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679, of the amended Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978 and its decree of application.

What is personal data?
Personal data or personal data is any information relating directly or indirectly to an identified or identifiable natural person.
Thus, your name, your first name, your e-mail address, your date of birth or your telephone number are for example personal data.
You can consult the website of the National Commission for Computing and Liberties (CNIL) to obtain more information on personal data, the processing of personal data or on the key principles of data protection. .

Who is the data controller?
Your personal data is processed by Aéroport Marseille Provence, a public limited company with a management board and supervisory board, registered in the Trade and Companies Register of Aix-en-Provence under number 790 043 954 and whose registered office is BP7 – 13727 Marignane. Cedex (hereinafter “AMP” or “the AMP company”).
AMP is said to be responsible for processing because it is the organization that defines the purposes for which the personal data concerning you are processed and under what conditions.

When is your personal data collected?
Depending on how you interact with AMP, the latter may collect your personal data depending on the case and in the manner described below.
AMP may collect your personal data when you:
- browse the Sites, via the deposit and reading of cookies;
- create your online account;
- use your online account to order products and services on the “AMP Store” online store;
- Contact our customer service ;
- complete and send a form present on the Sites (subscription to the newsletter, application for a job or an internship, request for information or report related to aircraft).
The fields that must be completed are indicated as such in the collection forms. If they are not met, AMP will not be able to respond to your request or give you access to the desired service.
The fields indicated as having to be filled in as part of the order tunnel on the “AMP Store” online store are necessary to allow the conclusion and execution of the contract between you and the AMP company.

Why are they used by AMP?
Information on the use of personal data is provided by AMP at the time of collection of this data.
The processing of personal data implemented in the context of the deposit and reading of cookies during your browsing on the Sites is used to:
- measure the audience of the Sites and establish visit statistics, on the basis of your consent, which you can withdraw at any time;
- allow the enrichment of the Sites with multimedia content (videos), on the basis of your consent, which you can withdraw at any time.
The personal data collected during your use of the functionalities of the Sites allow:
- the operation department for “AMP Store” online store, on the basis of the execution of the general conditions of sale;
- the customer relationship department, on the basis of the legitimate interest of the AMP company to develop the customer relationship and improve its services (satisfaction surveys);
- the marketing departement for our newsletters, on the basis of your consent which you can withdraw at any time;
- the sending of commercial offers from partners, on the basis of your consent which you can withdraw at any time;
- the response to your contact requests, on the basis of the legitimate interest of the AMP company in responding to the requests addressed to it;
- the management of your application for a job or an internship offered by the AMP company on the basis of the legitimate interest of the AMP company to recruit new employees;
- the production of statistics related to the services and products provided by the company AMP, on the basis of its legitimate interest in improving its services.

Who can access your data?
Only have access to personal data, within the limits of their respective powers:
for the management of customers and prospects:
the internal employees of the AMP company in charge of customer management, marketing and communication operations, maintenance of the Sites.
technical service providers contractually linked to AMP and responsible for maintaining the Sites and routing operations.
AMP's business partners.
for the management of recruitment carried out by the company AMP:
internal employees of AMP in charge of human resources management;
the managers involved in the recruitment;
the technical service providers contractually authorized to manage the recruitment website;
any recruitment firms involved in the recruitment process contractually linked to AMP.
for the management of the Aérovision site:
o the internal employees of AMP in charge of managing requests for information and reports;
o the Legal Department of the AMP Company;
o the technical service providers contractually authorized to manage the website;
o the South-East Civil Aviation Safety Department;
o The South/South-East Air Navigation Service;
Your personal data will only be the subject of external communications other than those provided for above to satisfy the legal and regulatory obligations to which the company AMP would be subject, in particular in the event of a request from an administrative or judicial authority.

Can your personal data be transferred outside the European Union?
The sites :
are hosted and managed in France.
The aide.marseille.aeroport.fr site is hosted in the European Union and certain functionalities are based on services hosted in the United States.

Personal data concerning you may, for technical reasons, be transferred to other countries of the European Union.
They may also exceptionally be transferred to countries outside the European Union.
In such a case, the AMP company will only transfer the said data to third parties established in a country whose legislation has been the subject of an adequacy decision by the European Commission under the conditions defined by the regulations relating to the protection Datas. You can consult this list on the official website of the European Commission.

How long are your personal data kept?
Your personal data will be kept for the time necessary to fulfill the purposes described above.
To meet legal obligations or as evidence, certain personal data may be retained with regard to the applicable legal limitation periods, namely for example:
- 5 years from the date of the end of the commercial relationship if you placed an order.
In the event of a dispute, the entire duration of the litigation and until all remedies have been exhausted.
- 6 years for tax documents;
- 10 years for accounting documents;
- 13 months for cookies from your first visit to the Sites.
- 3 years from the closing date of a request for information or an aircraft report filed on the Aérovision website

What rights do you have over your personal data?
In accordance with the applicable regulations and under the conditions it defines, you have the following rights: right of access, right of rectification, right to erasure, right of opposition, right to limit processing and right to portability.
Under the conditions defined by the regulations, you also have the right to define general or specific directives relating to the fate of your personal data after your death. However, you are informed that only the specific directives relating to the processing of data implemented by the will be recorded by the company AMP subject to your specific consent.
When your personal data is processed with your consent, you can revoke it at any time. However, you are informed that the processing implemented prior to this revocation will remain valid.
To find out more, we invite you to consult the sheet established by the CNIL, “the rights to control your personal data”.
Finally, you have the right to register on the Bloctel list of opposition to cold calling (https://www.bloctel.gouv.fr/).

How to exercise your rights?
You can exercise your rights GDPR  by making a written request electronically to the address perso-data@mrs.aero.
If you have applied for a job or an internship offered by AMP, you can exercise your rights by making a written request electronically to the address drh@mrs.aero.
You can also contact the Data Protection Officer of AMP:
for email by writing to dpo@mrs.aero
by post to the address: Aéroport Marseille Provence – for the attention of the DPO – BP 7 – 13727 MARIGNANE CEDEX.
AMP has one month from receipt of the request to respond.
You can request to no longer receive electronic communications from AMP at any time, by clicking on the unsubscribe link present in each mailing.
AMP pays the greatest attention to the protection of personal data. However, if you consider that their processing infringes your rights or that your request has not been satisfied, you have the option of lodging a complaint with the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés via their website. (https://www.cnil.fr/fr/vous-souhaitez-contacter-la-cnil ) or by post to the address CNIL - 3 Place de Fontenoy - TSA 80715 - 75334 PARIS CEDEX 07.

User generated content - legal information

You posted content on a website or social network that may contain: 
-    a photograph or video taken by You, 
-    other identifying information associated with your post, such as your username, image, caption and hashtags and additional content you may choose to provide, such as your first name and surname and your email address (hereinafter referred to as “User Content”). 

AEROPORT MARSEILLE PROVENCE (@aeroportmarseilleprovence) posted a comment under your post to obtain your consent, containing a link to this AEROPORT MARSEILLE PROVENCE Privacy Policy, in particular, this section on:
-    processing of the personal data contained in this User Content, including, in particular: your image (photograph or video), your first name and surname, and your email address. 
-    use of the user content, implicating the terms of use of intellectual property rights for user content defined below. 

By replying to the comment from AEROPORT MARSEILLE PROVENCE with the hashtag #YESAMP (the “consent Hashtag”), You or the organisation or person you represent unconditionally agree to be bound by the terms of the AEROPORT MARSEILLE PROVENCE Privacy Policy, in particular, this section.

If you do not accept all the terms of this agreement, do not post the consent Hashtag. If you agree to this Policy on behalf of an organisation or an individual, you state that you have the authority to do so.


Processing of the personal data contained in your user content is based on your consent, in accordance with Article 6 of the GDPR. 
By replying to the comment from AEROPORT MARSEILLE PROVENCE with the hashtag #YESAMP (the “consent Hashtag”), you or the organisation or person you represent consent to the processing of your personal data contained in the user content referred to above. 



Specific terms concerning access, hosting, security and the exercise of rights relating to personal data contained in user content are available in this privacy policy, in the sections dedicated to each of these subjects. 

Thus, for example, to exercise your rights concerning personal data contained in User Content, You can refer to the section “How do I exercise my personal data rights?” in this Policy.

By posting the consent Hashtag in your reply to the comment from AEROPORT MARSEILLE PROVENCE, you consent to transfer of the information in the user content to AEROPORT MARSEILLE PROVENCE 's third-party processors, in particular Adalong, as mentioned and described in the section “Who has access to the data?” in this Policy. 

You acknowledge that you have read all the terms of this Policy and agree to them before giving your consent by replying to the comment from AEROPORT MARSEILLE PROVENCE.


By replying to the comment from AEROPORT MARSEILLE PROVENCE with the hashtag #YESAMP, you grant AEROPORT MARSEILLE PROVENCE a non-exclusive, worldwide patrimonial right free of charge for a 5-year period to use, reproduce, publish, display, adapt and disseminate the user content in the context of marketing operations and promotion of the activities of AEROPORT MARSEILLE PROVENCE in any way, on all currently-existing networks and media or those yet to be invented, including, without limitation, on the websites and digital communication channels of AEROPORT MARSEILLE PROVENCE, for example in the stories created by AEROPORT MARSEILLE PROVENCE, retailer websites, marketing emails and social networks, including in paid advertisements on social networks for which you will not be paid.



You retain all rights, titles and interests in and to the user content, without prejudice to the rights granted above, and represent and warrant that
(I) you own all the rights to your user content, or, if the user content is subject to third-party proprietary rights, you have all necessary licences, rights, consents and authorisations to post the user content that you submit and to grant the rights provided for and granted to AEROPORT MARSEILLE PROVENCE under this policy, as part of this programme and without financial consideration;
(II) you are 18 years of age or older,
(III) you are legally authorised to post the user content, and the use of the proprietary rights of third parties contained in Your user content, as described in this policy, will not infringe, in particular without being limited to, registered trademark rights, privacy rights, publicity rights or other proprietary rights, of any third party or of any law, and
(IV) your user content is not libellous, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, abusive, indecent, threatening, harassing, hateful or offensive.



By replying to the comment from AEROPORT MARSEILLE PROVENCE with the hashtag #YESAMP, you discharge and agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless AEROPORT MARSEILLE PROVENCE from any liability, claims and expenses, including reasonable lawyers' fees, relating to any breach or alleged breach on your part of any of the terms and conditions set out in this Policy, in particular, concerning the rights you warrant that you hold to the user content.


Cookies sent by the website

When you connect to our website, we may , subject to your choice to install cookies on your device that allows us to recognize the browser on your device for the duration of the cookie question. The cookies we issue are used for compiling statistics on visits to our site to improve the relevance and usability of our services.

Data Privacy Statement for the usage of Google Analytics

This website utilizes Google Analytics, a web analysis service by Google Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses so-called “cookies”. These are text files that are saved on your computer and through which your usage of our website can be analysed. The information about your usage which is generated with the cookies are usually being passed on to a server of Google in the US and saved there. In case that the IP anonymization is active on this website your IP address is first being shortened by Google within EU member states or other member states of the European Economic treaty.

Only in exceptional cases will your entire IP address be transmitted to a server of Google in the US and shortened there. On our behalf Google will use this information to analyse your usage of this website, to make reports about the website activities and to render further services to us which are related to your usage of our website and the internet. The IP address which is transmitted by your browser due to Google Analytics is not being combined with other data of Google.

You can prevent the saving of cookies with a corresponding setting of your browser software; we point out that in this case you might not be able to fully use all functions of this website. Furthermore you can prevent the gathering of the data related to your usage of our website – which is created by the cookie – as well as its processing by downloading and installing the browser plugin that is available here: tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout .



We use Piwik PRO Analytics Suite to collect first-party data about website visitors based on online identifiers; we create user profiles based on user browsing history and calculate metrics related to website usage such as bounce rate, depth of visits, page views etc. We host our solution in Germany and the data is stored for a period of 25 months. Purpose of processing data: Analytics, Conversion tracking based on consent, Legal basis: Art. 6 (a) GDPR. We may also use the a fore mentioned platform to collect aggregated metrics on the use of our website or application, within the scope of necessary processing. You may use the opt-out below to stop all data collection.


Other services and products provided by Marseille Provence airport


E-services provided by AMP

The services provided or sold on the Website and through AMP's Store are governed by the Terms and Conditions of Use and/or Sale to which the user has access on the page used to order the service (pre-contractual information, right to withdraw, processing of personal data).


E-services provided by Partners

Services that are not provided by AMP but by third-party partner companies to which the user may have access from the Website are not the responsibility of AMP. The user is invited to read the terms and conditions of said services put on line by the companies in question.


OPTION WAY : Flight search and online booking engine

AMP and Option Way have entered into a partnership agreement whereby AMP makes available on its website the search and booking engines of the Option Way travel agency.

The search, booking, purchase and delivery of airline tickets, or any other request in connection with these transactions, are made directly with Option Way.
We invite our users to refer to the terms and conditions of sale, legal notices and information on the specific privacy policy.